Abraham Lincoln Institute Symposiums
“The Latest in Lincoln Scholarship”
Twenty-First Annual Symposium
Abraham Lincoln Institute, Inc. (ALI), provides free, ongoing education on the life, career, and legacy of President Abraham Lincoln. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., ALI offers resources for educators, governmental and community leaders, and the general public through symposia, seminars, lectures, and special events.
Ford’s Theatre
Washington, D.C.
March 17, 2018
Sponsored by the Abraham Lincoln Institute, Inc. and the Ford’s Theatre Society

Anna Gibson Holloway › It Strikes Me There’s Something In It’: Lincoln, the Monitor, and Popular Memory

William C. Harris › Lincoln, Congress, and the Cabinet Crisis of 1862

Richard Carwardine › Abraham Lincoln’s Humor: A Double-Edged Sword
Mr. Carwardine was unable to attend the 2018 Symposium

Stanley Harrold › Lincoln and the Abolitionists

Walter Stahr › Stanton, the Lincoln Assassination, the Aftermath